Tuesday, July 10, 2007

If I Were King

Why can't we screen our calls at the radio station?

I've heard two or three really awkward calls this morning while listening to the Morning Man.

It would really help if they could do things like any other major radio station in the world, and have a "producer" with some vague idea of the tone of the phone call about to go on the air.

The main thing I noticed this morning was the ignorant nature of the callers, and the ineptitude of the host to handle such telecommunicational dumbassery.

Why I still care is a mystery to me, but I just can't stand the lack of professionalism in our sound.

And while I'm at it.

Why the $&#* did we hire an illiterate newsreporter? There's over 60,000 hits a day to our station website and we sanction a story written so poorly, a 5th grader in remedial english could've written a more succinct, grammatically correct version!

It's called syntax. It's called punctuation. Please learn what these things mean before applying for a communications-related career.

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