Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Woo Ha.

Hey, Ya'll. I'm employed.

I start at Barnes & Noble on Thursday morning.

I'm really grateful and glad that my search has paid off.

I'm kind of sad, though.

It's not a huge deal. I hate feeling like I'm on the bottom rung again.

As though my collegiate and career experience has been worth nothing more than an, "Oh, that's nice and why are you not working in the Music Business?"


It'll be good. I'm just going to have to adjust.

Besides, there are more important things to spend my time thinking about.


betsyann said...

Yay! It's SOMETHING. That'll give you some time to get settled and married and not have to stress about work. And then if you want to, you can look for something different, without the stress of having nothing.

Drrty Joe said...

I know, and I'm already feeling much better about it. It's almost time to work again!