Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Bearing Witness To You

Holy Crizzzzzap! It's been a long time since I've posted.

Lots has changed for me.

The Rundown:

1. I'm not in Nebraska anymore.

2. I'm not employed currently.

3. I go to get into an apartment today. (I'll keep you posted!)

4. My Blazer is in critical condition.

5. 5 Weeks and 4 Days and then I'm a married man.

6. It's already fall. Brr.

7. Collective Soul's new cd Afterwords is pretty darn good.

8. I can whip up a mean batch of bacon if I have to.

9. Driving in Metro Denver isn't as difficult as previously thought.

10.I'm going to try and write more often, once things get settled.

I hope to hear from everyone soon!

Time to go get my background/credit checked.

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