Sunday, October 26, 2008

I Just Halved Myself

I am - Joe, hear me roar.
I want - to be a rockstar when I grow up.
I have - a gorgeous wife and enough money to live.
I wish - I had the will to practice rudimentary piano technique regularly.
I hate - pedal steel guitar used as filler in country songs.
I fear - Trace Adkin's popularity.
I hear - Big Head Todd and the Monsters with a horn section.
I search - the internet for even samples of the "New" Waylon Jennings CD.
I wonder - if the Tampa Bay Rays are going to find a way to win the series.
I always - get angry while watching the Cowboys play.
I usually - forget to pick up my drink cups after I'm finished.
I am not - that skinny.
I dance - like a 30 year old white guy.
I sing - in the car, loudly, daydreaming the whole time.
I never - can figure some people out.
I rarely - play video games.
I cry - at stupid stuff, like Shania Twain songs I've played in bands.
I am not always - willing to work hard.
I lose - my cool when family picks at me.
I'm confused - about some plotlines in CSI.
I need - to relax and not freak out about things so easily.
I should - write some new songs.
I dream - of being a nationally known songwriter.
I TAG - lobiwan, nevercountsheep, and daniel.

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