Friday, November 30, 2007

"Oh, I LOVE this song!"

Ahh...a day off, and I've run my errands and not messed up the house...what do I do?




Mmmmmmmusic. *drool*

Question for ya'll:

Do specific songs have a tag on certain memories for you?

Like, does "2 Legit 2 Quit" by MC Hammer take you back to those awkward dances in junior high?

Just curious.

Speak up...there's too many tumbleweeds blowing around my blog these days.


betsyann said...

Hmmm..."The Sign" --I'm in Katrina's car after lunch and it's spring and beautiful and Matthew walks by and I want to go talk to him but I also love the song.

"True Blue" Dancing at Chelsea's house.

"Unwritten" driving around Topeka after Abby's State Spelling Bee right after Mom's diagnosis.

"Everything I do..." Junior High unrequited love

"Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps" (The cake version) Dancing with Matthew in college.

Sorry about the lack of comment on earlier posts. I just literally have NO opinion about record labels. :)

Trinket said...

I'm with Betsy on "Everything I Do" - junior high unrequited love. No doubt.

"Ironic." Driving around in Carrye Jane's jeep with the girls, singing at the top of our lungs.

Many "Golden Oldies" remind me of my Dad, and also of one of the first times Betsy spent the night at my house.

"All I Want is You" - I think you know that one!

This is fun. Maybe I'll think of more!

Drrty Joe said...

I don't know if I can answer this one...there are sooooooo many songs I have memories attached to...

"Wonderwall" by Junior Year of high school, sitting in the car listening to the radio before class.

"Summer of 69" takes me all the way back to my first "basement band", rehearsing for gigs that weren't there.

"The Weight" by The Band...was the first song I played in an actual bar band, on bass guitar, which I learned to play (more like fake my way through) for my first gig with George.

"Pancho And Lefty" by Merle/Willie...The only song ever to sound good in the Bahrflies.

I could go on, but I'd be here an awfully long time!

betsyann said...

Hey! They mention "The Weight" in an Over the Rhine song. She says "...and The Weight is my favorite song..."

You'll have to bring it with you sometime, I want to listen to it.