Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Stream of Consciousness

My Itunes is feeling kind of hippie-ish (Psst. I like it.)

These were all in a row with no interference from me!

Love and Peace (or Else)-U2
Listen-Collective Soul
Brother Against Brother-Degarmo&Key

Ryan Adams made me mad. He was quoted in American Songwriter this month saying how much he hates country music. May I ask you then, Sir Pretention, why you use country instruments and employ monster twang in a 90% of your recordings if you hate it so much? Fat load of good dating Mandy Moore did you. Jerk.

Reality shows that intentionally set up awkward meetings between former lovers to see if they'll kiss and make up really make me uncomfortable.

My guitar could use some new strings.

So could my bass.

100 degree days aren't nearly as fun as they sound.

Cars drive me crazy.

I need to blog more.